Meet Kamlesh Chacha, famously known as Papaswala of Tuktukgarh. He sells crunchy papads and tells the tales of great personalities and adventures to children. One day, he is asked to
leave the town, leaving him sad and the children bereft of stories. Know how the children used the lesson learned from Papadwala’s tales to help him stay in Tuktukgarh.
Papadwala | Story Book By Sonalika Publications
Meet Kamlesh Chacha, famously known as Papaswala of Tuktukgarh. He sells crunchy papads and tells the tales of great personalities and adventures to children. One day, he is asked to
leave the town, leaving him sad and the children bereft of stories. Know how the children used the lesson learned from Papadwala’s tales to help him stay in Tuktukgarh.
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Categories: 4-6 years, 6-9 years, Bilingual Books, Books, Books By Language